若您的资料被驳回,您会收到一封通知邮件向您解释原因。 你也会在“账款”页面找到原因。 被驳回的一个普通原因: 您的资料上的信息与您在”基本信息“页添加的信息不匹配。 上传资料前,请保证上述信息匹配! 记住Mobidea禁止未成年人(18岁以下)注册! 如果您在这一步仍有问题,请通过affiliate-service@mobidea.com与我们的客服团队取得联系。
您的流量产生50欧元的流水后,您的账款就会解锁,你就可以上传你的资料了。 下面是你需要的资料: 个人渠道:上传身份证明(可以是身份证或护照)以及一份包含姓名的能证明您的住所正式文件(如 电费账单)。 公司渠道:上传身份证明(可以是身份证或护照)及公司的营业执照,文件上要有清晰可见的增值税/税务发票号码,具体取决于公司所在的国家。 还是不确定应上传什么资料? 请通过affiliate-service@mobidea.com与我们的客服团队取得联系。
这取决于您的策略,预算和流量源。 如果您一开始通过买量并且预算有限,您应该考虑大量/低价的流量组合。 这样竞争小一点,使您能快速获取可靠的数据。 这样就意味着您可以很快优化campaign,找到最佳盈利点。 您可以在您账户的opportunities区找到当前最好的组合类型。 记住真实的EPC取决于您的流量质量和推广方式。 通过使用我们提供的组合筛选器,您将能够了解细致的流量组合类型。 想要获得您流量最佳的组合类型指导,请与您的Mobidea AM联系或直接联系我们的客服: affiliate-service@mobidea.com
单个offer是指将用户跳转到某个具体产品首页的链接。 在Mobidea, 我们有不同类型的单个广告——游戏,杀毒,抽奖,保健,交友,成人等等 当流量源不允许循环offer并要求直接的链接时我们会用到单个的广告。 而且,您可以用不同的测试来确认哪个广告最适合您的流量。 要推广单个广告,您需要先申请并说明您的流量源。 然后,Mobidea的工作人员将会查看您的申请并在1~2天内给您回复。 如果广告被批准或者是被停掉,我们会给您发送邮件通知让您去更换广告。 还在担心由于没收到重要邮件通知而错过关掉offer吗? 别担心! 您只需要激活Safety Fallback功能。它会把您的流量从广告单转到万能链从而避免流量浪费。 请确认您开启您的邮件通知! 这些使用习惯您可以在您的账户页面设置。把光标移动到资料照片位置来查看设置。
我们会尽力在最短的时间内让您能获取到您的广告。 所以,在1~2个工作日内,您的申请会被处理完。
Which webmaster tools are available?
If you have your own web properties, we’ve got 5 different tools that are gonna make optimization real smooth and money-making even more exciting!
To use them, open the vertical you want on your Smart Tools menu and navigate through the different tabs:
It's a URL which redirects users to our best offers for that Vertical.
You don't have to set anything, since the Smartlink automatically picks the best offer based on our algorithm, and quickly sends your users to those offers.
Click on the “ACTIVATE SMARTLINK” button, read and accept the promotion rules.
If you want to create more Smartlinks, click on the button “NEW SMARTLINK”, and then choose its name and domain.
You can select the domain you like the most, since it doesn't influence the algorithm's behavior.
Set Track 1 and Track 2, if needed.
Check the advanced options we provide:
This is one of the advertising spots you can integrate on your website.
It opens up a new browser window, hidden under the active one.
Pick the Smartlink for which you want to use the popunder.
Set Track 1 and Track 2, if needed.
Set the Frequency Cap, limiting the number of times the popunder is gonna appear to the same user.
Once it's done, you can copy the code below and implement it on your website.
This ad type covers your site with a semi-transparent background.
Visitors must “close” the ad to view your site.
Follow the same steps showcased above for the previous ad types.
Configure the settings, copy the code and implement it on your website.
We provide you iFrame and JavaScript codes in several sizes.
Just pick the Smartlink, copy the script and implement it on your website.
In case there's any size that's not available on Mobidea, you can use your banner and link it with our Smartlink on your website.
You can redirect your users to our offers without any click required.
We provide redirection codes, available for htaccess code, php code, WordPress plugin, and Javascript.
If you use Blogger, we recommend you use our Javascript code.
You have to select the traffic type you'd like to redirect, copy the code and implement it on your website.
WARNING: in case SEO is important for your website, you shouldn't use this tool, since it's not Google-friendly!