
When doing business on the Internet, it’s all about engagement, nurturing relationships, and standing out from the crowd.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is by connecting with big bloggers, established marketers, who can push volume, and also social media influencers, who already have a massive following.

Just having one of these powerful relationships in place can result in thousands of new leads or revenue for your brand.

However, when it comes to actually build these relationships, way too many people think a simple email is going to get the job done. In truth, anyone, who calls themselves any of the above and is making good money online, is likely getting hundreds of these emails every day. Newsflash: most are going to be ignored.

If you want to build valuable relationships, you need to put in the time and effort, and figure out how to stand out from the competition in the process. Those people are used to receiving attention. You will need to get creative.

A perfect example of this would be to create a custom bobblehead of a popular blogger, maybe send sports tickets to an account manager or someone who can take care of you at another business, or even do a blog write-up on an influencer and then move forward with a paid social media campaign.

These are all great ideas and methods that will not only show that you care, but also that you value the relationship and are willing to go that extra mile.

At the end of the day, recruiting any big bloggers, successful marketers, or popular influencers on your team will take time, and the right amount of grinding.

Dress to impress. Never miss a chance to nail that first impression.

Second chances are usually not an option when it comes to ‘charm’ online or face to face with super affiliates/media players.

Consider all of these options before you start making moves online If handled with attention, they can skyrocket your chances of success.

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